Elements In HTML
In HTML we write everything inside tages and after then we have to close the tage as well.We should not forget to close the tage.
<tag-name>HTML content</tag-name>
<h1>My First heading</h1> My First pragraph<br />
Tag Name | Descriptions | End Tag |
Heading | <h1>
paragraph | </p>
Body Content | </body>
Head Content | </Head>
Title Content | </title>
Division Content | </div>
<title> tag defines the title section in the HTML document. </title> We can open <title> tag and close. <title> tag
<title>My First HTML program.</title>
<body> tag defines the entire body section in the HTML document. we can open <body> and close the </body> tag.Example:
My First heading</h1>
My second heading</h2>
<p> tag Defines the paragraph section in the HTML document.<p> We can open tag and close </p>
<p> Code Family.</p>
<h1> tage defines the heading section in the HTML document.We can open <h1> tag and close </h1> tag.
<h1>My First heading.</h1>
<h2>HTML is not Case Senstive</h2>
<h3>Code Family</h3>
<h4>Code Family</h4>
<h5>Code Family</h5>