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data Types

Data Types

Data Types are very important concept in any programming language similarly in JavaScript as well. Variables are use to hold different data types according to the requirement.

  • Data Types define's the type of data.
  • According to the type computer read the data.
  • There are various data types like String,Number,Objects etc.

  • JavaScript Dynamic Data Types

    JavaScript has a dynamic data types,which means we can hold different types of data according to our requirement at the run time.


    String is a special type in JavaScript. String is always around quotes ,either single quotes or double quotes.


    JavaScript number types are commonly used data types compare to other types.


    Boolean types have only two values either true or false;


    JavaScript arrays are always write in square brackets and hold multiple values by using a single variable. values are separated by commas(,).


    javaScript objects store values in the form of key value pairs. We generally write objects inside curly braces { }.