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Number methods and properties

Number Methods and properties

toExponential() method

toExponential() return's a string by using exponential form notation. It's internally uses number rounded values format.


toFixed() return's string as number withe rounded decimal values format.

toPrecision() method

toPrecision() in javascript return's a string according to the length.


valueOf() method in javascript return's numbers.

parseInt() method

parseInt() method used to parse string values in JavaScript and return numbers.We can use spaces as well no problem at all.It always return's first number .

parseFloat() method

parseFloat() method work's similar to parseInt().It also use to parse string values and return always first values.

Number MIN_VALUE AND MAX_VALUE properties

MIN_VALUE is use to return smallest values in JavaScript.

MAX_VALUE is use to return larges values in JavaScript.



JavaScript NaN - Not a Number