String Methods and properties
length property
In javaScript if we want to count the length of the string then we use length property of the string..indexOf() Method
By using indexOf() function we can find string inside the string.lastIndexOf() Method
By using lastIndexOf() method we can get last occurs of the given Method
In javaScript if we want to search string inside a given string then we use search() method of a string. searchO() returns first occurance of the given string.slice() Method
slice() method returns a particular slice or part of the string according to our requirement.slice method can also accept negative values.substring() Method
substring() is similar to slice() method ,the only difference is slice () method can accept negative values also but substring() can not accept negative values.substr() Method
substr() method is similar to the slice() method,the only difference is second parameter specifies the length of the given string.replace() Method
replace() method is use to replace a given string in a javascript.By default replace() method can replace first match of the string only,if ther is another mathch of string is available then replace() does not replace the value.
Converting Upper and lower case
If you want to convert a string to a upper case then we use toUpperCase() method.we can also convert a given string to a lower case by using toLowercase() method.