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How to create table in html


  • In HTML we can define table by using <table>.
  • In the table we can define table heading by using <th> tag.
  • In the table we can define table row's by using <tr> tag.
  • We use <td> tag to add data inside the each row of a table.

  • Table with border

    We can set border of the table by using css border property.

    Addition Cell Padding in HTML Table

    We can add cell padding inside the HTML table by using padding property of the css.We can add padding bwtween table cell's according to our requirement and make table more beatuifull.

    Border Spacing In HTML Tables

    We can add border spacing between table cells. We use border-spacing property to add border spacing.

    Col Span In HTML Table

    To make HTML table cell span as a more then one column we use colspan property of CSS.

    Row Span In HTML tables.

    We can add row span in HTML table and make a cell into more then one row's. We use rowspan attribute to add row spacing between cells.

    Table With Styling