Python Functions and Scope
Functions in Python help break code into reusable blocks, making programs more organized and efficient.
Defining a Function
def greet(name):
return f"Hello, {name}!"
Function Arguments
def add(a, b):
return a + b
print(add(3, 5)) # Output: 8
Default Arguments
def power(base, exponent=2):
return base ** exponent
print(power(4)) # Output: 16
print(power(4, 3)) # Output: 64
Variable Scope
Scope determines where variables can be accessed.
Global and Local Scope
global_var = "I am global"
def my_function():
local_var = "I am local"
# print(local_var) # This would cause an error
Using Global Variables Inside Functions
def modify_global():
global global_var
global_var = "Modified globally"
print(global_var) # Output: Modified globally
Lambda Functions
square = lambda x: x * x
print(square(5)) # Output: 25
Returning Multiple Values
def get_user():
return "Alice", 25
name, age = get_user()
print(name, age) # Output: Alice 25
Functions are essential in Python for code reuse and maintainability. Understanding scope helps avoid unintended errors.