Python Operators
Operators in Python are used to perform operations on variables and values. Python provides various types of operators to handle different types of operations.
Types of Operators
- Arithmetic Operators: Used for mathematical operations
- Comparison Operators: Compare values
- Logical Operators: Used for logical expressions
- Bitwise Operators: Work at the binary level
- Assignment Operators: Assign values to variables
- Membership & Identity Operators: Check existence and identity
1. Arithmetic Operators
a = 10
b = 5
print(a + b) # Addition
print(a - b) # Subtraction
print(a * b) # Multiplication
print(a / b) # Division
print(a % b) # Modulus
print(a ** b) # Exponentiation
2. Comparison Operators
x = 10
y = 20
print(x == y) # Equal to
print(x != y) # Not equal to
print(x > y) # Greater than
print(x < y) # Less than
3. Logical Operators
a = True
b = False
print(a and b) # Logical AND
print(a or b) # Logical OR
print(not a) # Logical NOT
4. Bitwise Operators
x = 5 # 0101
y = 3 # 0011
print(x & y) # Bitwise AND
print(x | y) # Bitwise OR
print(x ^ y) # Bitwise XOR
print(~x) # Bitwise NOT
5. Assignment Operators
a = 10
a += 5 # Same as a = a + 5
a -= 3 # Same as a = a - 3
a *= 2 # Same as a = a * 2
a /= 4 # Same as a = a / 4
6. Membership & Identity Operators
list1 = [1, 2, 3, 4, 5]
print(3 in list1) # True
print(6 not in list1) # True
x = 10
y = 10
print(x is y) # True (same memory location)
print(x is not y) # False
Operators are a crucial part of Python programming. Understanding their usage will help you write efficient and concise code.